Darko Macoritto

Chief Data Officer

Gain valuable insights into your target market, competitors, and customer needs.

We manage engagement campaigns by following a proven methodology that leverages data as a decision-making tool.

Streamline operations and improve efficiency to maximize productivity and reduce costs.

Darko Macoritto is a distinguished data analyst specializing in marketing data analysis. He holds a degree in economics from the University of Bern, providing a strong foundation in both quantitative and qualitative analytical skills.

Darko has developed expertise in marketing mix modeling and algorithm development, areas where he excels in leveraging data to optimize marketing strategies and drive business growth. His proficiency in these domains ensures that marketing efforts are both efficient and effective, yielding measurable results.

Throughout his career, Darko has been committed to advancing the field of data analysis in marketing, consistently demonstrating his ability to transform complex data into actionable insights. His work has significantly contributed to enhancing the decision-making processes within the organizations he has been a part of.